Saturday , February 22 2025

Upcoming Surgery & Livestream CCFA Fundraiser

I thought I was getting better at one point this year but I should have known better.  In what is becoming an every 1-2 year thing I will be going back to Mayo Clinic Rochester and having surgery on December 19th, 2016.  I have been fighting some internal bleeding so they will be removing some small bowel and doing exploratory in the lower left abdomen region if possible to try and figure out why I have so much pain in that area.  I am hopeful but not too hopeful since my hopes are usually crushed in amazing fashion.

With Crohn’s Disease being a part of my life every day I have been wanting to try and get a little more involved with the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA).  They used to do a bowling fundraiser every year in Brainerd but that suddenly stopped awhile back.  I couldn’t make it every year due to being sick so I have been looking for a way to get involved and help from home.

By chance I came across a Facebook group called gaming4guts that does exactly what I was looking for!  The bad news is their main event was December 2nd to December 4th and I had missed it by about a week.  The good news is I contacted them and they said the fundraising for the event is actually still active and won’t be shut down so I am more than welcome to do what I want to continue fundraising.  So starting December 31st, 2016 I will be doing a ~24 hour marathon
live stream fundraising event for CCFA
.  My fundraising page is here and I’ll likely make 1 or 2 more posts in the next couple of weeks.  This isn’t exactly a lot of notice or time to be fundraising and I am hoping to raise $500 but I’d sure love to leave that number in the dust.

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me.

About scott

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